Privacy Policy

We care about you and your privacy all the time.

Online privacy is a top priority for CoderyOo, which is why we’re dedicated to protecting all of our users’ (registered and unregistered) personal data while they browse and log in to our online platform.

In addition to offering our registered users cutting-edge online, mobile, MERN, SaaS, MVP, IoT, Block Chain, etc. services, it is our responsibility to respect and uphold the privacy of our nice visitors. Therefore, we developed this privacy policy to inform our website users of our policies and ensure that they have a secure visit.

CoderyOo asks all of its visitors to kindly read our privacy policies carefully as well as the policies of all other websites where they provide personal information that could reveal their identities.

We want you to know that when you give us your personal information, we will assume that you have read, approved of, and complied with our privacy policies. Please use our site even if you do not want to abide by our policies.

When visitors to CoderyOo registered website register through the contact page, leave comments on our blogs, or contact us through chat support, we ask them to provide us with some personally identifiable information.

Additionally, CoderyOo would like to make it clear that while our website may contain links to other websites with their own privacy policies, we do not assume any liability for the security measures used by these websites.
We are looking for the appropriate details from our viewers:
●Your Country,
●Your Name
●Name of Email Account
●Skype username
●Callback Number
●Additional details you’d like to share

Additionally, CoderyOo would like to make it clear that if a visitor does not need any of our services, they are not obligated to subscribe on our site.

The Virtual Journey Seems To be over; A Temporary Office Is Coming

We published a post titled “Remote as default, office as an alternative” three months ago. our strategy for remote work. We have made an effort to give our outlook on the future of work on it.

Everyone at Team CoderyOo had the opportunity to work remotely up to two days each week prior to the epidemic. The 2/3 day format performed admirably.

Our organizational culture has historically placed a high value on interpersonal connections. An illustration of this is our yearly retreat, Teamatters, which consists only of gathering the entire staff in one location for a weekend in order to enjoy ourselves together.

But other responses began to show up in mid-July.

We’ve put in place a number of initiatives to try to reduce isolation in addition to a number of remote-ready tools & processes that were already in place. However, some members of the team started to admit that, in addition to the pandemic-related stress and anxiety, working entirely remotely was beginning to have an effect on their physical and mental health. Shared emotions included loneliness and a lack of connection with coworkers. I experienced some of these emotions myself.

This was a lot of the team members’ first time working entirely remotely, not only for Team CoderyOo as a company. Many people revealed that, after these three to six months, they can’t see themselves continuing to work entirely remotely for very long.

Particularly, two things were brought up:

1. The authority to access your personal information conveyed through this report, as well as the right to consult, correct, update, or erase that information, as well as the right to limit how that information is used;

2. The option to object to how your data is processed;

The lesson here, in my opinion, is that you can only genuinely tell if you like something after giving it a reasonably long shot.